Views and Resources | September 2022

September 29, 2022 RLDatix Marketing

Our round-up of the news and resources you can’t afford to miss. Email us to join our monthly newsletter and get our insights straight to your inbox. 

REPORT | Quality in Retreat | Beamtree 

This must-read report provides discussion to highlight the decline in the focus on quality by the leadership of health systems all over the world. Published 26th July 22, by the Beamtree Global Impact Committee (GIC) draws upon debates chaired by Dr Mark Britnell, Global Healthcare Expert, KPMG International; Senior Partner. The decline of quality is not just another inflicted outcome of the pandemic, but an issue that can be traced far back as the global financial crisis of 2008. Read the report to gain insight from the experienced members of the GIC who offer contributions to debate around questions such as; 

  • 'What more can healthcare leaders do?’ 
  • ‘What new ideas and technologies can we learn from and develop?’ 

How can the focus be on what matters – patient care, safety and experience in an environment in which staff morale and well-being can also flourish? 

Read the Full Report 

RESEARCH | Physician burnout undermines safe healthcare | BMJ 

A comprehensive systematic review of physician burnout in particular has been published in the British Medical Journal this month, bringing together 170 separate studies of the topic into a composite whole. The findings of this review are striking and instructive for all of us who touch health and  care technology. Darren Kilroy, Medical Director (International) at RLDatix shares his view point on the research in his latest blog here

RESOURCE | The National Sepsis Clinical Care Standard: Could it be Sepsis? | Sepsis Australia 

September 13 marked World Sepsis Day. Earlier this year, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care in partnership with The George Institute for Global Health Australian Sepsis Network developed a Sepsis Clinical Care Standard to provide guidance to clinicians and health service organisations when investigating and managing sepsis, and information to consumers about the care they can expect to receive.  

Watch the release of the National Sepsis Clinical Care Standard, and ask ‘Could it be Sepsis?’  

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MQ Health & RLDatix a new partnership and enterprise solution
MQ Health & RLDatix a new partnership and enterprise solution

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Moving Forward Post Pandemic: Recovering from Physician Burnout
Moving Forward Post Pandemic: Recovering from Physician Burnout

A comprehensive systematic review of physician burnout in particular has been published in the British Medi...