R U OK? | Caring for our Caregivers

September 28, 2022 RLDatix Marketing

8th of September 2022 marked ‘R U OK? Day’ Australia, a national day of action when we are reminded that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever you spot the signs that someone you care about might be struggling with life.  

As we know too well, those at the forefront of providing care can often neglect themselves when it comes to checking in on mental and physical wellbeing. However, whether you work with back office or front-line staff, every mind matters, so check in with your colleagues to ask R U OK? it can make the world of difference to stop and ask the simple question.  

Caring for caregivers 

To help normalise the conversation about asking for help and provide you and your colleagues with useful resources, we wanted to highlight three key articles from our team: 

  1. Caring for caregivers Caring for Caregivers Has Never Been as Important
  2. Safer Together: (Actually) Reducing Clinicians’ Burdens with Technology  
  3. Caring for our Caregivers: The Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act    

Useful links from R U OK? 

For more information on R U OK Day visit: https://www.ruok.org.au  


Are they really OK? Ask them today from R U OK? on Vimeo.


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